• If using a chimney starter, electric starter, or other type of fire starter, light your fire
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
• You can experiment with using lump charcoal or even wood as an alternative fuel.
• You can also experiment with how you layout the charcoal according to the type and
length of cook you are performing.
5. You are ready to begin cooking when the pile of briquettes ashes over and produces a
red glow (approximately 12 – 15 minutes).
• We do not recommend using lighter fluid to start the charcoal, or using quick light charcoal
• Always use caution when handling hot coals to prevent injury.
• Do not operate the smoker with temperatures exceeding 175 °C in the cooking chamber.
1. Add wood chunks to the fire to get the smoke going (More info about smoking with
wood on Page 10).
2. Replace cook chamber on top of the firebowl, leaving the cooking grates out for now.
3. Fill the water pan and set on the brackets in the cook chamber.
• You can experiment with different contents in the water pan to impart a unique flavor
onto your food. These can include wine, marinades and herbs.
4. Replace the lid and watch the temp gauge – when the chamber temp has risen to
within 10 degrees of the target temp, close down the air dampers to a low setting to
minimize airflow and set your cooking temp.
5. Once you’re at your desired cooking temp, replace the cooking grates, add food and now
you’re smoking! Be sure to monitor the cook temp and adjust dampers as needed.