2013 Chaparral H2O Owner’s Manual
Chaparral Boats, Inc.
Nashville, GA
Fuel Filter
Refer to your engine owner’s manual for detailed information about
checking and maintaining the fuel fi lter.
The engine exhaust system removes harmful gas created by the engine
during combustion. Inspect the system for leaks before each use of the
boat. Make sure all hose clamps and connections are tight and there are
no cracks in any exhaust system component that would allow carbon
monoxide gases to escape.
Tune-ups at recommended intervals keep your engine in top-notch op-
erating condition and help assure the highest possible performance from
your engine. Engines should be tuned up every 200 to 300 hours or if
engine becomes hard to start or does not run well. If your boat is used
less than 200 to 300 hours per year, Chaparral recommends that the boat
be tuned up at least once a year.
Refer to your engine owner’s manual for detailed information.
This information describes the fuel system excluding the engine. The fuel
system provides a clean, continuous supply of fuel to the engine, in ad-
dition to helping prevent possible fi re and explosion. All fuel systems in-
stalled at the Chaparral factory meet federal requirements.
Note: Refer to your engine owner’s manual for detailed information
about checking and maintaining the fuel system.
The fuel system must be inspected frequently and maintained regular-
ly. Check for leaks and/or vapors and repair any problems immediately.
Keep fuel tank fi lled during the boating season to prevent moisture from
condensing in the tank.
Note: A trained marine mechanic should replace parts or repair the
fuel system. See your Chaparral dealer for parts and repair.
1. Starting at the fuel tank, check the entire fuel system for leaks or va-
2. Check fuel lines and hoses for wear, kinks, cracks, or deterioration.
3. Inspect fuel line fi ttings, carburetor, and fuel pump to make sure mount-
ing brackets are tight.
4. Check fuel ventilation ducts and clamps for wear or damage.
Refer to the engine owner’s manual for recommended frequency for
checking stern drive unit and its oil.
Engine Alignment Check
Consult your Chaparral dealer for more information about checking en-
gine alignment.
: Gasoline vapor explodes easily. Explosion is likely
to cause fi re and may burn you and damage your boat. Always
STOP engine and do not smoke or alow open fl ames in area
when changing fi lter.
: Hot oil in operating stern drive can burn you. Do
not remove oil vent plug immediately after using boat. Hot oil
expands and fl ows rapidly from vent plug opening if oil vent plug
is removed.