Initial Operation:
The Chamberlain Arm™ has been designed so that, when used
with a Chamberlain manufactured operator, the door will open to
a fully horizontal position (Figure 16).
The door may be designed in such a way that it does not
open to the full horizontal. Adjust the UP limit so that the door
stops at a slightly downward angle when open.
Safety reversing sensors (Protector System) must be
installed, please refer to your owner´s manual before
proceeding to Setting the limits and learning the force:
Setting the limits and learning the force:
When returning to your Owner’s Manual, adjust the trolley travel
limits as follows:
1. With the inner and outer trolley sections still disconnected,
manually open your door to the horizontal position. Make a
mark on the rail where the end of trolley nearest to the
operator stops.
2. Manually close the door and mark the rail where the end of
the trolley nearest the door stops.
3. With the inner and outer trolley sections still disconnected,
activate the operator and adjust the limits following the
owners manual of the garage door opener, until the inner
trolley stops on the marks you made. For models ML700,
ML750, ML850 please read section #15, setting limits
manually as found in the HAVING A PROBLEM section in
your owner’s manual. While setting the door limits manually,
leave door and operator disconnected at all times.
4. Reconnect the inner and outer trolley sections so the door is
connected to the operator.
5. Force must be learned after completion of the limit settings.
For models ML700, ML750, ML850 please read section #26
in Garagedoor Opener Manual.
6. Run the operator again to ensure the door is opening and
closing correctly.
Continue with the instructions in your Owner’s Manual.
Having a problem?
1. Pull the manual release handle to disengage the trolley.
2. Lift the door about halfway. Release the door. It should stay in
place, supported entirely by its springs.
3. Raise and lower the door to see if there is any binding or
sticking. If your garage door binds, sticks or is out of balance,
call a professional garage door service engineer.
Lubricate the inside and outside of the rail.
In some cases you may find the door will not open fully
until the force has been set.
In rare installations, the canopy door may touch the
operator rail when closing. This is NOT the fault of the operator
or arm. If this occurs:
1. Manually check the operation of the canopy door to ensure
that it is closing easily. The door must have a slight drop at
the start of closing.
2. If the door is not running easily, check that the side wires are
not catching or binding on the wire guides. Move the guides
until the wires run free.
3. Raise the operator head by about 50mm (2”) vertically so
there is a slight downward angle on the rail.
4. The door spring may be over tensioned.
1. Header wall
2. Header bracket
3. Garage door opener rail
4. Ceiling
5. Garage door opener
hanging brackets
6. Trolley
7. Extension arm
8. Garage door
9. Garage door spring
10. Operator
11. Garage door opener
manual release
12. Chamberlain Arm™
13. Garage door track
14. Garage door, should be
horizontal in fully open
15. Use limit adjustment of
garage door opener to
level the garage door
Do not attempt to adjust the spring. Call a local
garage door installing professional.
The Protector System™ (a safety reversing sensor
accessory) must be installed, if the Chamberlain
Arm is used (model 770EML).