1x blinking
Motor 1 has insufficient connection to control board
Green or white cable not wired or badly connected Check
terminals precisely. Consider wire lengths
2x blinking
Motor 2 has insufficient connection to control board
Refer to 1x blinking
3x blinking
Limits for motor 2 have not been accepted
A: Open gate wide enough when programming the travel. Make
A: After or during first travel: operator did not open
sure cam passes all 3 states (switch free, pushed, free)
open wide enough to meet not meet passpoint
B: Check terminals precisely. Consider wire lengths
(cam did not operate switch)
B: Motorcables have insufficient connection to contol board
Yellow or white cable not wired or badly connected
4x blinking
Limits for motor 1 have not been accepted
Refer to 3x blinking
5x blinking
Travel has not been programmed
Repeat programming travel
The process of programming has been interrupted
6x blinking
Force to operate the gate is too high
A: Gate is out of order
A: Repair gate
B: Gate is rough-running
B: Check if gate can be easily moved
C: Gate stopped through windload
C: Do not operate gate by windstorm
D: Reprogram travel to achieve sufficient level of fo
7x blinking
Photocells 1 block installation
A: Object blocks photocells
A: Remove object
B: Alignment of the lenses is incorrect
B: Check alignment
C: Power supply to photocells is insufficient
C: Check cable widths and contacts
8x blinking
Photocells 2 block installation
Refer to 7x blinking
9x blinking
Emergency stop switch blocks installation
A: Check wiring
B: Check basic setting of control board (Jumpers)
Safety edge blocks installation
A: Object obstructs safety edge
A: Remove object
B: Defective safety edge
B: Check wiring. Check resistor 8.2KOhms
C: Power too low or broken wire in supply
C: Check basic setting of control board (Jumpers)
Power supply to control board is too low
A: Defective supply 230V or malfunctioning contact
A: Check electric contact
B: Broken wire in supply cable (copper cable)
B: Check by electrician
C: The battery (accessory) to operate the gate whilst
C: Allow battery to charge 24 hours
power failure is dead.
Power up failed
Replace contol board