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Training manual :PIGMA Gal Evo
A permanent check of flow rate is developed with the
aid of 2 primary sensors (Start & Return).
Flow rate Control
Burner performs flow modulation from minimum
output up to maximum output (control over gas
Burner will flame out if temperature read by the
sensor for primary return NTC2
Burner Modulation
Overheat Control
Control by burner is performed over the sensor for
primary return NTC2. Burner flame goes out when
temperature reading by primary return sensor is by
higher than set point value
Temperature Control
Overheat control is provided through a thermostat
(102±4°C) located at the outlet of the primary heat
exchanger. Resetting to be effected manually from the
control panel.
1 01
is shown on screen. Reset possible when
temperature reads 87°C.
If there is a bad circulation through the heating system, the
automatic by-pass
can be opened (max capacity 350 l/h).