C1.2 User Manual
AUDIO >> PHASE POLARITY menu display elements
1. Menu title. AUDIO >> PHASE POLARITY shows that
the parent menu is AUDIO SETUP. To access the parent
menu, use External Rotate Left [<<E]
2. The current Parameter Value is highlighted. Use
Central Rotate Left/Right [<<C]/[C>>] to navigate
through Parameter Values
3. Other possible Parameter Value(s). Number of
other Parameter Value(s) depends on Parameter
4. Other possible Parameter Value(s). Number of
other Parameter Value(s) depends on Parameter
Once a terminal Parameter (e.g. a Parameter not giving access to a further sub-menu) is selected by External
Rotate Right [E>>], the C1.2 displays the corresponding Parameter adjustment screen. The following example
shows the AUDIO >> PHASE POLARITY Parameter adjustment screen. Other Parameters are similar but may
show more (or less) choices for the Parameter value. Once a Parameter is set to the desired value, a Normal
Push [NP] saves the new Parameter Value and gets back to the parent level (save and exit). On the other hand,
an External Rotate Left [<<E] gets back to the parent menu (in the case of this example: AUDIO SETUP), but
possible modifications of the Parameter Value are discarded (exit without saving).
The following section gives detailed information about the menu structure and the various Parameters. Note
that certain Parameters may or may not appear in the menu depending on installed options. For instance if no
ANALOG_IN board is installed, menu items related to the RCA and XLR inputs (enable, gain, renaming) do not
appear in the menu.