Page: 13/21 User Manual PULS-CTRL24, Rev.1-00: Software Utilities
Software Utilities
The software utilities can be found in the directory "Program" of the
enclosed software package. Before using them, the virtual USB port
driver must be installed (see sections "Driver Installation"). The utilities
do not require any additional installation, you need only to copy them
to a suitable directory on your computer. Before starting the utilities,
you need to obtain the virtual port number, as described in the section
"Driver Installation".
Utility PulseLoader
The PulseLoader is a simple Windows™ program that runs in text
mode. It enables you to backup and restore data of the pulse control-
ler. Launching the utility
without any parameters
or with the parameter
displays a simple help:
PulseLoader -?
To start the program without any error message, at least the number
of the COM port must be given:
PulseLoader 6
This command starts the utility PulseLoader and assumes that the de-
vice is connected to the port COM6. On success, the utility reports the
following message:
Press '?' for help
and waits for command input.
In case of any problem, check whether the port number matches the
system settings (see sections "Driver Installation") and the connected
device is powered on and working properly. If an error occurs, please
consult the section "Error Codes". The tables 2 and 3 explain the pos-
sible error messages; they should help you to localize the reason for
the software failure.
To check the communication, press the key 'p' to obtain the product
identification text. The device should respond as follows:
Product identification: PULS-CTRL24 1-00
CGC Instruments
Tel.: +49 (371) 355 098–55
Hübschmannstr. 18 | D–09112 Chemnitz
Fax: +49 (371) 355 098–60
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