Page: 75/81 User Manual PSU-CTRL-2D, Rev.1-00: Software Interface
Function COM_HVPSU2D_GetHWVersion
int COM_HVPSU2D_GetHWVersion
(WORD PortNumber, WORD & Version);
Command: v
Response: v
Saves the device's hardware version in the variable
and re-
turns an error code according to Tab. 10.
The return value in the variable
should be used to check
whether the hardware is an appropriate version.
The return value is similar to the return value of the function
. It is an unsigned 16-bit integer
(WORD) containing the main version and the subversion numbers.
Check the change list provided by the manufacturer to learn whether
the software interface is compatible with the hardware.
The response to the direct command (
) contains 4 hexadecimal
digits (
) for the variable
Function COM_HVPSU2D_GetFWVersion
int COM_HVPSU2D_GetFWVersion
(WORD PortNumber, WORD & Version);
Command: V
Response: V
Saves the device's firmware version in the variable
and re-
turns an error code according to Tab. 10.
The return value in the variable
should be used to check
whether the firmware is an appropriate version.
The return value is similar to the return value of the function
. It is an unsigned 16-bit integer
(WORD) containing the main version and the subversion numbers.
Check the change list provided by the manufacturer to learn whether
the software interface is compatible with the firmware.
CGC Instruments
Tel.: +49 (371) 355 098–55
Hübschmannstr. 18 | D–09112 Chemnitz
Fax: +49 (371) 355 098–60
e–mail: [email protected]