r •
to ramp tie-down.
Install a surface control lock over the fin and rudder.
Install a pitot tube cover.
(6) Tie a rope to an exposed portion of the engine mount and secure
the opposite end to a ramp tie-down.
W S.
The plastic windshield and windows should be cleaned with an aircraft
windshield cleaner. Apply the cleaner sparingly with soft cloths, and rub
with moderate pressure until all dirt, oil scum and bug stains are re
moved. Allow the cleaner to dry, then wipe it off with soft flannel cloths.
a windshield cleaner is not available, the plastic can be cleaned
with soft cloths moistened with Stoddard solvent to remove oil and grease.
Never use gasoline, benzine, alcohol, acetone, carbon
t-etrachloride, fire extinguisher or anti-ice fluid, lacquer
•thinner or glass cleaner to clean the plastic. These ma
terials will attack the plastic and may cause it to craze.
Follow by carefully washing with a mild detergent and plenty of water.
Rinse thoroughly, then dry with a clean moist chamois. Do not rub the
plastic with a dry cloth since this builds up an electrostatic charge which
attracts dust. Waxing with a good commercial wax will finish the clean
ing job. A thin, even coat of wax, polished out by hand with clean soft flan
nel cloths, will fill in minor scratches and help prevent further scratching.
Do not use a canvas cover on the windshield unless freezing rain or
sleet is anticipated since the cover may scratch the plastic surface.
The painted exterior surfaces of your new Cessna have a durable,
long lasting finish and, under normal conditions, require no polishing or
buffing. Approximately
days are required for the paint to cure com
pletely; in most cases, the curing period will have been completed prior
to delivery of the airplane. In the event that polishing or buffing is re -
quired within the curing period, it is recommended that the work be done