System Manual
2018 Cervis, Inc.
4.4 HH2S-9XL10 Handheld Factory Reset (Memory Clear)
The following steps will perform a factory reset on the handheld. Once this process is complete,
the handheld memory slot is cleared and it will not communicate with any receivers.
Note: The memory of spare handhelds from the factory will be clear upon arrival.
1. Turn on the handheld by pressing and releasing button 1 (STOP).
2. Within 1s of activating the handheld, while only LED 4 is active, simultaneously press
and release buttons 9 and 10. The LEDs will start scrolling indicating maintenance
3. Simultaneously press and hold buttons 9 and 10.
4. Press and release button 1 (STOP).
5. The handheld will turn off indicating the factory reset was successful.
A handheld that has been cleared will power up and immediately shutdown indicating that it has
no receiver in its memory.
Figure 12. HH2S-9XL10 with Numbered Buttons