ETHOS Model Transmitter
2020 Cervis, Inc.
To select this receiver and complete the association process press and release
the WARNING/START switch.
To reject this receiver and move to the next receiver in the list press and release
the A/B Select button. Now the next receiver in the list will begin activating its
HORN/ASSOCIATION relay telling you it can be selected.
If this is the desired receiver press the WARNING/START switch make the
selection. If this is not the desired receiver continue to press and release the A/B
Select until the desired receiver is indicating it can be selected.
Again, once the desired receiver is found press the WARNING/START switch to
confirm the selection.
Transmitters can only be associated with one receiver. If it was associated to a
receiver before the new receiver will overwrite the old receiver and it will no
longer work with the old receiver.
If at any time during the process you become unsure of the activity you are
seeing press the STOP switch, remove the battery and contact the factory
for support.