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CertoClav Sterilizer GmbH
Georg Grinninger-Str. 37
A-4050 Traun / Austria
Description of the working steps
Turning on the CertoTouch
Please press the
-button at the front right of the CertoTouch for at least 3 seconds.
Turning on the CertoClav Connect pot
Turn on the device by turning the switch rocker on | . If the rocker lights green, the device is on. If the
temperature in the chamber is under 80°C, the device unlocks itself automatically.
Connecting the CertoTouch with the the pot
1) Please navigate to the connection manager. For this purpose, please log out and press the
-button at the login window.
2) Please press the
-button in order to determine all reachable CertoClav controllers. This
may take a few seconds.
3) In this list, you can see the serial numbers of all reachable CertoClav controllers. Please
choose the controller you want to connect with, by pressing that serial number in the list. The
serial number of each controller can be found at the left or right side of the controller box.
4) CertoTouch will connect to the selected CertoClav controller. The connection is successfully
established, if a “connected” status message appears on the selected list entry. Only when a
connection is successfully established, it’s possible to return to the login-window. Please log in
there with your email and password in order to use the CertoClav controller.