Decorative addition to top of fence such as lattice.
Aluminum Channel
Aluminum structural support used
as a stiffener in rails.
Hand or machine-operated tool with a screw-like
shank for boring holes in soil.
Method for supporting horizontal members, such
as fence rails or gates.
Diagonal component of a gate; provides dimensional
Bullet Clip
Gravity clip that is used to hold rails in posts.
Vinyl accessory placed on top of fence posts to provide
a finished look and prevent water penetration.
Crimp Lock
Method for fastening rails inside posts.
The rail is notched (crimped) so that it stays within the post
once inserted.
EZ Set Bracket
Aluminum bracket system that fits over a
steel post as an alternative installation method to secure and
hold vinyl post in position.
Fence Layout
Section-by-section diagram of the proposed
fence line.
Frost Line
Lowest level in soil that freezes. Frost line depth
depends on winter temperatures, soil type and vegetation
cover, and varies from 0" in warm regions to 3' or more in
cold-winter areas.
Movable framework or solid structure that swings on
hinges; controls entrance or exit through an opening in a
Gate Post Stiffener
Structural aluminum support used in
gate hinge and latch posts to solidify as an alternative to
traditional concrete and rebar method.
Describes amount of reflection or sheen on the surface
of vinyl.
Good Neighbor Fence
Fence that has the same look on
both sides.
Lock Ring
Circular-shaped fastener with tabs that insert
into rails for holding into posts.
Opposite Gate
Used in double-gate situations;
complements the primary gate; diagonal brace is secured in the
opposite direction for a pleasing, symmetrical look.
On Center (O.C.)
Measure from the center of one object
(e.g., a post) to the center of the next post.
Vertical member of fence between rails.
Vertical support member of fence system.
Picket End Channel
U-shaped channel attached to the
posts on both ends of a privacy fence section.
Polyvinyl chloride, the plastic resin used to
manufacture “vinyl" fence.
Horizontal pieces between fence posts.
Method of installing fence on sloped terrain. Fence
posts and pickets are plumb, but the rails are secured at an
angle so they parallel the grade.
Reinforcing bar, placed in end and gate posts to
vertically reinforce the fence; No. 4 rebar is 1/2" diameter.
Routing Template
A guide used for field routing posts
that require hole positions other than standard.
Fence style in which the pickets follow a concave
pattern high on both ends and low in the middle.
Degree of incline of a hillside; measured in inches of
rise per horizontal inches of run (degree of rack).
Snap Cap
Decorative plastic cap and washer system used to
cover the screw head.
Spacer Bar
Wood or like material used to determine
infill area between sections or gates (post spacing).
Steel Channel
Galvanized steel structural support used as
a stiffener in vinyl rails.
Method of installing fence on sloped terrain.
Fence rails remain horizontal, and posts are extended to
accommodate the variance in the grade.
Method of releasing air pockets in concrete by the use
of repeated light blows with a mallet on outside of post or
piece of lumber in post hole.
Wall Mount Brackets
Aluminum bracket system used as
an alternative installation method to fasten fence rails directly
to walls or other structural surface.
Weep Holes
Openings drilled in bottom rails for drainage
of water.