jacks provide two tonal options in a single jack. If the
mode is not engaged, the
is a typical, 1megaohm
input impedance as seen on most guitar amplifiers. If the FET mode is engaged, the guitar signal will pass through a high-input
impedance, low-output impedance JFET gain stage before hitting the first triode tube stage. Originally, the
circuit was
designed for piezo pickups without an onboard preamplifier. Since then, it has provided players a unique option for fine-tuning
their tone. In the SSS amplifier, experiment with using the FET mode as a clean boost to overdrive the amp for one of the most
pleasing crunch tones you’ll ever hear.
adjusts the amount of signal boost coming out of the JFET booster. Set it at unity gain for a slightly brighter, more
articulate tone. Set it higher to use a clean boost to overdrive the SSS’s preamp or as a solo boost.
adjusts the signal strength coming out of the tonestack, and going into the second tube stage. Think of this as a
traditional gain control in a primarily clean amplifier.
is a high-frequency boost that can be used to add sparkle to your tone in both clean and overdrive modes. This high
frequency boost is more prominent as VOLUME is turned down. With the toggle switch in the UP position, BRIGHT is on and
at a minimum level. In the middle position, BRIGHT is off. The bottom position is BRIGHT on and provides the brightest tone.
is a bass-frequency boost. You can use this to add subharmonics and girth to your tones. Engaging this switch with
single-coil guitars will produce an absolutely stunning piano-like response on the lower strings. With the toggle switch in the UP
position, DEEP is on. In the DOWN position, DEEP is off.
is a midrange-frequency boost. You can use this to add fatness to your tones, or even make single coil guitars
sound thicker and less scooped. We particularly like MID BOOST when using the SSS for crunch tones. With the toggle switch
in the UP position, MID BOOST is on. In the DOWN position, MID BOOST is off.
adjusts the overall frequency response and voicing of the amplifier. ROCK has a fatter midrange and a deeper,
spongier bottom end. You might find ROCK more familiar territory. JAZZ tightens up the bottom end and adjusts the contour of
the midrange, giving the amplifier more of a hi-fi response. Experiment with both, as great sounds rest in each. With the toggle
switch in the UP position, ROCK is on. In the DOWN position, JAZZ is on.