Try setting all controls at 12:00, and adjust MASTER to a suitable volume.
I have the foot pedal plugged in, but it’s not switching functions? The LEDs on the foot pedal still light up though….
Make certain the rear toggles for OVERDRIVE and PREAMP BOOST are in the PEDAL positions
I noticed the amplifier has a trimpot on the main board. What does it do?
This trimpot adjusts the amount of signal fed into the FILTER circuit. Adjusting this will impact the intensity of
these controls as well as signal strength and noise levels. As such, we do not recommend adjusting this
control from the factory setting.
Do I need to use matched power tubes?
Although not necessary, matched power tube sets are recommended for best results.
Do I need to use a matched and balanced phase inverter?
It is not necessary. Feel free to experiment with different tubes (of the same type) in your SSS, though!
I’ve read that the components used in this type of amplifier are really important. What is inside my SSS?
We use a combination of parts custom-made for us to our specifications (power transformer, output
transformer, choke, high-temperature / low-ESR electrolytic capacitors, inductors, custom Alpha
potentiometers) and those used in the original amplifiers (Vishay/Dale RN65 precision metal film resistors, 1W
carbon film resistors, SBE 6PS polyester film capacitors, high-quality ceramic disc capacitors, Belton tube
sockets, Alpha potentiometers). We prefer high-quality enclosed Cliff (built in the UK) jacks to the open-style
Switchcraft jacks used in the originals and many clones. Finally, we occasionally use NOS components from