(aka – “PREAMP BOOST”) two-way toggle switch manually switches between boosted and normal configurations. In this
SSS, the PAB accentuates midrange frequencies and attenuates low frequencies, making it great for cutting through during a
solo. Engaged, you will also notice an increase in gain and distortion characteristics. If you are using the foot pedal, set this in
the PEDAL position. If you are not using the included foot pedal, the toggle switch in the MANUAL position switches the SSS to
PREAMP BOOST mode. In the PEDAL position, the SSS is in normal mode.
two-way toggle switch manually switches the JFET boost in and out of the circuit. If you are using the foot pedal, set this
in the PEDAL position. If you are not using the included foot pedal, the toggle switch in the MANUAL position switches the SSS
to FET mode. In the PEDAL position, the FET boost is not activated.
– if the FOOT PEDAL is plugged in, but the PAB and/or FET toggles are in MANUAL, the foot pedal LED indicators will
still light up but functions will not be switched. For the FOOT PEDAL to function, PAB and FET rear panel toggles MUST be in
PEDAL position.
5-pin DIN female jack is used to connect the foot pedal to the amplifier. Use the foot pedal to control the PAB
and FET modes. Red LED indicates FET activated, and Green LED indicates PAB boost activated.
– when using the FET boost on the footswitch, you may notice a slight “pop” when you engage the circuit, depending on
your settings. We have gone to great lengths to minimize this pop as much as possible and preserve signal integrity. Anytime
a circuit is engaged before the first gain stage of an amp, any switching noise is amplified hundreds of times through the
preamp circuit. In the SSS, the switching noise is far from problematic, but we wanted to inform you if you do experience it, it is
normal and neither a malfunctioning circuit nor design flaw.
three-way toggle switch. This controls the amount of negative feedback applied to the second gain stage of the
amplifier. Placing the toggle in the up position defeats the negative feedback, which provides the most gain and harmonic
“bloom”. In the center position, the negative feedback is applied minimally. The bottom position provides the most negative