Perform a Digestion
Load and Perform a Method
Verify Max Power Monitor is enabled and the alarm time is programmed for 5 minutes (Settings > Run > Max
Power Monitor).
For EasyPrep and EasyPrep Plus vessels, verify fiber optic temperature.
Select the System Settings icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Select Tools.
Select the "System" tab. The "FISO Temperature (ºC)" will appear under "Status".
Verify the temperature reading at room temperature.
• If the fiber optic probe is new or the temperature is not reading correctly, enter the GF number. See
the "Fiber Optic" section of the manual for details.
• If “---” appears as the temperature, then the MARS 6 does not recognize the Fiber Optic Probe. The
probe is either not installed or is not working properly. See the "Fiber Optic" section of the manual
for details.
Press the Home icon in the lower left corner of the screen to return to the Home page.
Select/load the method from the directory, One Touch or Classic. See "Methods" section or contact CEM Cor-
poration if assistance is needed creating a new method.
Close the instrument door.
Select “Start” to run the method. The instrument will begin the method according to the selected parameters
– initializing, ramping, holding, cooling, etc.
Verify that vessel count, type and position are correct.
If a run is stopped during the digestion, do not restart the method with hot vessels. Allow vessels to cool
for a minimum of 15 minutes, vent vessels and reseal, and restart method from the beginning.
Observe the entire digestion sequence when establishing a procedure for the first time. It is normal for
vessels to vent during digestion.
During the run, the user can select the applicable image on the left side of the screen. If the line graph is se-
lected, the user can select the icons on the right side of the screen to display the desired parameter(s).
After completion of the method, permit the vessels to cool in the microwave cavity for a minimum of 15 min-