Perform a Digestion
Perform a Digestion
In addition to the instructions below, view the “EasyPrep Vessels” video located in the MARS software (System
Settings -> Video -> EasyPrep Vessels.)
The EasyPrep Vessels have multiple configurations available for the Standard and Premium covers: MARS 6
EasyPrep Temperature Only, MARS 6 EasyPrep Temperature and Pressure, MARS 6 EasyPrep Plus Temperature only,
MARS 6 EasyPrep Plus Temperature and Pressure, and EasyPrep Plus iWave.
Vessel Assembly
The images below are used for a visual reference. Not all covers have the temperature and/or pressure option as
shown in images outlined below. Unless otherwise indicated, the assembly procedures are the same for the vessel
Liners and covers must be conditioned before use. See “New Liner and Cover Conditioning” for details.
All vessel components must be dry prior to use.
Never add sample or liquid to liner with sleeve in place. Use the vessel liner holder.
Place liners in vessel liner holder.
Add sample to the liner(s).
Proper precautions must be taken to avoid contact with acids or acid vapors. Protective gear should be
worn as outlined in the user’s safety program for hazardous materials and the acid manufacturer’s safety
data sheet. Refer to these guidelines for proper handling and disposal of the acids.
Inspect liners for abnormalities.
Weigh and transfer the sample into the liner. The maximum sample weight varies per sample type. See
"Operating Parameters" for specific weights. If a control vessel is required, use the liner containing the
highest amount of weighed sample as the control vessel.
Never run an acid blank in the control vessel.
Add the acid. Use the acid to rinse the inside of the liner to ensure that the sample is in the base of
the liner. See "Operating Parameters" for minimum and maximum volumes.
Ensure that the acid covers the sample and the base of the liner.
Prepare remaining vessels.
If running more than one vessel, you must run similar samples and the
same acids and acid volume in each vessel.
See "Sample Preparation Safeguards" for information
regarding acid blanks along with additional safeguards.