Interface Wiring Diagram
Oriented the same as the Watchman install
Main Power
12 V Input
To Gate Operator
Free Exit or Exit Terminal
Yellow: Positive
Blue: Common Ground
Normally Open Connection
To Magnetic Switch or
Dry Contact on Operator
Gray: Negative
White: Positive
Wiegand 26-Bit
Red:12 V power
Black: Ground
Green: Data 0
White: Data 1
1. Wire main power from the transformer to the power
connector on the circuit board.
2. Connect gate trigger wires from the Normally
Open (NO) and Common (C) to the free-exit or exit
terminals on the gate operator.
3. Connect the gate status wires on the 6 pin connector
on the main relay and input plug to the magnetic
switch or a Dry Contact, Normally Closed (NC) relay
on the gate operator.
4. If using an optional 26-bit reader (e.g., keypad,
card reader, RFID, clicker), wire the device to the
Wiegand connection on the interface circuit board.
5. Use
Camera Guide
if adding external camera.
6. Test and activate using the test credentials on the
Activation & Test Process
6-Wire Installation Instructions