the labyrinth (76) must be positioned so that it is towards the bot-
tom of the bearing housing (26)
q) Dean pumps are made with a lapped metal-to-metal joint between
the shaft sleeve (10) hook and the locating shoulder on the shaft
(29) to prevent liquid leakage under the shaft sleeve. The following
instructions should be carefully observed when the shaft is reassem-
bled to the shaft:
1. Apply a small amount of 280 grit lapping compound (simi-
lar to automobile valve grinding compound) to the inside
shoulder of the shaft sleeve hook.
2. Slide the shaft sleeve (10) onto the shaft. Do not install the
shaft sleeve key (10K).
3. Rotate the shaft sleeve repeatedly by hand in its place on
the shaft until the markings on both shaft and sleeve hook
show that complete metal-to-metal contact has been made.
4. Remove the shaft sleeve and flush all lapping compound
from the sleeve and shaft. Reassemble the shaft sleeve on
the shaft with the shaft sleeve key (10K) in place.
r) Assemble the cradle spacer (7) to the bearing housing (26).
Tighten bolts to 50 ft. lb.
s) If the pump stuffing box is to be packed, slide the packing
gland (13) over the shaft sleeve and back against the front
labyrinth seal (76).
t) If the pump is equipped with a mechanical seal, assemble the
seal parts on the shaft sleeve at this time. See separate mechan-
ical seal installation instructions.
u) Slide the casing back cover (22) carefully into place and secure
it to the cradle spacer with the two capscrews. Be especially
careful not to damage mechanical seal parts. Tighten bolts to
30 ft. lb.
v) Place the impeller key (4) into the shaft (29) keyway and slide
the impeller (3) into position on the shaft (29) Drive the impeller
lockwasher dowel (12C) into the impeller washer (12A) until it
is flush with the side of the washer that has a blind hole . Place
the impeller bolt (12) through the impeller lock washer (12B)
and then the impeller washer (12A) so that the protruding part
of the impeller lock washer dowel (12C) is away from the head
of the impeller bolt (12). Screw the impeller bolt (12) into the
shaft (29) while guiding the protruding impeller lock washer
dowel (12C) into the keyways of the impeller (3) and the shaft
(29). Tighten the impeller bolt (12) to 60 ft. lb.
Use a drive pin punch to bend the edge of the impeller lock
washer (12B) into the blind hole in the impeller washer (12A).
Use a chisel to bend the side of the impeller lock washer (12B)
up against a flat of the impeller bolt, approximately 90° from
the blind hole.
w) Replace the coupling key into the keyway at the coupling end
of the pump shaft (29).
x) If the pump and driver are independently mounted to a com-
mon baseplate, place the pump coupling hub (including the
four axial bolts) onto the pump shaft (29), flush with the end of
the pump shaft, and tighten the set screws. Go to step (z).
y) If the pump and driver are connected by a “C” faced motor
support, place the pump coupling hub onto the pump shaft
(29), to the location noted below, and tighten the set screws.
For use with motor sizes 143TC and 145TC, place pump hub
to overhang pump shaft by 1/16”.
For use with motor sizes 182TC and 184TC, place pump hub
so that the pump shaft protrudes 3/16”.
For use with motor sizes 213TC and 215TC, place pump hub
to overhang pump shaft by 5/16”.
For use with motor sizes 254TC and 256TC, place pump hub
flush with the end of the pump shaft.
For use with motor sizes 284TSC and 286TSC, place pump
hub to overhang pump shaft by 3/16”.
For use with motor sizes 324TSC, 326TSC, 364TSC and
365TSC, place pump hub flush with the end of the pump shaft.
z) If the pump shaft is to be sealed with packing, do so now. See
“Installation and Maintenance of Shaft Compression Packing”
section of this manual.
aa) Rotate the pump shaft by hand to be sure there is no internal
rubbing or binding.
ab) The partial assembly can now be taken to the assembly site.
Use proper lifting equipment and methods.
ac) Place a new casing gasket (77) into the casing (5). Unscrew the
two casing jacket bolts in the flange of the cradle spacer (7)
until neither protrudes from the flange towards the casing.
Inspect the face of the casing, where the jack screws made con-
tact during disassembly, and carefully remove any burrs with a
ad) Using a hoist to lift and position the partial pump assembly,
install it into the pump casing (5). Be careful to align the assem-
bly with the casing so that the impeller (3) slides freely into the
close clearance of the casing ring (6A). Screw the casing stud
nuts (5C) by hand into the casing studs (50) but do not tighten
them yet.
ae) If the pump and driver are independently mounted to a com-
mon baseplate, go to step ap).
af) If the pump and driver are connected by a “C” faced motor
support (83), place wood blocks and wedges under the bear-
ing housing (26) to support the pump.
ag) Place the motor coupling hub onto the motor shaft to the loca-
tion noted below, and tighten the set screws.
On motor sizes 143TC and 145TC, place motor hub flush with
the end of the motor shaft.
On motor sizes 182TC and 184TC, place motor hub so that
the motor shaft protrudes 1/4”.