Installation & Service Manual
V1.0, Internal
© CCV Nederland
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PIN over open internet
The ability to perform transactions using an IP connection that is not certified
by the Dutch Payments Association
PIN pad
The customer part in which the cardholder enters his or her PIN code and
confirms a transaction amount
Point Of Sale (cash register). This is a computerised cash register. Unlike
a standard cash register system (ECR), a POS is much more comprehensive,
particularly in terms of reporting, management and sales. A POS system
consists of hardware and software. As regards hardware, usually Windows
computer systems are used, often equipped with a touchscreen. In addition,
there are a number of potential extensions such as: receipt and kitchen
printers, barcode scanners, customer displays, fingerprint recognition
systems, mobile hand terminals and electronic cash drawers
Privacy shield
A protective shield on the keyboard on which the PIN code has to be entered
POS device port
The port (default: 4102) on which the payment terminal sends data to the
POS system
POS listen port
The port (default: 4100) on which the payment terminal must listen for
commands from the POS system
The transaction processor on which transactions are offered in accordance
with the Common Terminal Acquirer Protocol. This party then forwards the
transactions to the right acquirer
Remote mode
The mode in which the PIN pad can be operated remotely using AdminLight
Subnet mask
With the subnet mask, a network manager can determine which part of an IP
address is the network ID and which part is the host ID. The subnet masks enable
routers in a network to know on which physical segment a certain address is
located, and therefore where to route the data for that particular address
Terminal Management System (TMS)
System for managing and maintaining payment terminals
Terminal Management System port
Port via which a payment terminal has access to a TMS application
Terminal Management System
Terminal ID (TMS TID)
A unique identification number for a payment terminal that serves as a key for
access to the TMS