CCTV Camera Pros
Wireless Surveillance Camera Transmission System
User Guide |
4.3 Aligning the Transmitter and Receiver
Correct alignment of the antennas is critical for achieving optimum performance and transmission distance. The longer the
wireless video transmission range, the more important the alignment of the antennas becomes. For ranges of over one ½ mile,
correct alignment is measured in only a few degrees, both up and down, and left to right. Use the LED panel on the Receiver
to check the signal strength. Consider using a Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) handset to determine the Transmitter and
Receiver angles accurately (using a GPS system allows a 4 mile range to be aligned faster and more accurately than a ½ mile
range aligned “by eye”).
Connect the Cable Assembly units to the Transmitter and Receiver.
Connect the Transmitter cables to the CCTV camera and the Receiver cables to a monitor.
When aligning the Transmitter and Receiver, hold the units in each position for at least 3
seconds before checking the resulting signal / picture, as the system requires a short time for
the processing and transmission of the digital signal.
After alignment has been completed, tighten all bolts so that the units are secure and
will not move in a strong wind.