CBC (America) www.computarganz.com
Basic Mode
In this mode Camera Installer detects all MP cameras that can be reached by the
broadcast request and automatically assigns IP addresses to the cameras,
selecting those addresses that belong to the same sub-network as the computer
running Camera Installer and that are not assigned to other devices. To detect
and install the cameras automatically the user should simply press Install
Cameras button. The installer will find, configure and verify the operability of
the cameras and report installation results as shown below (
figure 9
). Users can
sort the available cameras by MAC address or IP address, in ascendant or
descendent order, by clicking on the appropriate title. Once the installation is
completed, users should press Sa ve/ Exit button to save the installation
information into a file
and export a plaintext list of cameras
into a file
Figure 9. Basic mode
Advanced Mode
In this mode the user can detect all MP cameras present on the local area
network and choose one or more cameras to install. The installer has a
mechanism to protect previously installed cameras (if any) from accidental
changes. It also allows users to set IP address of the cameras either