Micro-control as
Operation and Maintenance Manual for MC-3-series
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1. General information
1.1 The main parts of the system
An MC-3-series system mainly consists of the following parts:-
- contains the pushbuttons, joysticks etc that the operator carries.
Carrying belt/strap
- belt or strap to carry the terminal safely.
Rechargeable Batteries
- placed in the terminal to provide it with power.
Battery charger
- recharges the battery from a permanent supply.
Base unit
- the main part of the system connected to the machine or PLC.
- located on or connected to the base unit with a coaxial cable.
1.2 Security/ Safety
The MC-3-series system is produced to ensure safe control of machines. The following security
functions are built into each:-
A unique serial number for each system, means one system cannot operate another.
A check-sum in the data transmission ensures that the system only recognises valid data.
Double monitoring of joysticks.
An activity check during start-up prevents the terminal from starting if a switch or joystick is faulty,
or if a security critical function is active.
Self-checks and continuous monitoring.
MC-3-series is designed in accordance with the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC), the EMC-
Directive (89/336/EEC), and the Machinery Directive (89/392/EEC, 91/368, 93/44/EEC). Further
standards and certificates may be included depending on the application.
The system is certified according to the Federal Communications Commision rules Part 90 sub clause
217. To maintain the distance of 20cm from the body to the antenna as required in the rules the
terminal should only be used with the carrying belt.