Pg 10
(refer to Page 4 for Parts Supplied):
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Measure the distance between the stove top and the bottom of range hood.
A *distance of
27” to 30” is recommended. *Due to different ceiling height configurations, recommended
height may not be applicable.
Mount the Range Hood:
There are two ways recommended to mount this range hood;
Mounting this range hood onto the underside of an existing cabinet or structure (without
the Range Hood Mounting Bracket):
Using references from the 'Height & Clearance' Page 6 and 'Measurements & Diagrams'
Page 17 sections, center the range hood body beneath your installation space; align the top-
front edge of the range hood with your cabinet face or installation structure (or however
you would prefer to have the range hood aligned); mark the location of the air duct
Manually double check the measurements of the range hood dimensions and your
installation marks to ensure the range hood is installed exactly where you prefer. Cut a hole
allowing for clearance of the air duct structure.
Reposition the range hood at its installation space as flat as possible against the
mounting surface; check measurements again and ensure it is aligned to your installation
preference; mark the location of the power cord (this can be repositioned). Drill a hole to
allow clearance for the power cord through your installation structure.
Reposition the range hood at its installation space flat against the mounting surface;
ensure the power cord is fed through its installation hole; check measurements again and
ensure it is aligned to your installation preference; mark the screw hole mounting positions
at the top surface of the range hood body; mark the entire shape of the mounting holes or
keyholes. For the most accurate installation center punch and pilot drill the holes for the
mounting screws.
Using the keyhole mounting holes, screw 2 mounting screws at those locations, allowing
1/4-inch of headspace to allow the range hood to temporarily hang from those screw heads,
using the keyhole mounting features.
Add additional screws to at least 2 more mounting locations, as widespread as possible,
and then fasten all mounting screws while ensuring the range hood stays aligned with your
installation preference.
Make certain the range hood is secure before releasing! Finish tightening all screws
until secure. Be cautious when using an electrical screwdriver as damage to the range hood
may occur. Adding additional mounting screws through the bare sheet metal of the range
hood is not necessary for this installation option, but is possible; avoid drilling into wires,
components and critical fixtures.