dispensing while the steam jet is immersed
in milk. Otherwise, the milk could splash and
contaminate the desktop.
The hot water spout function is ideal for
brewing long black coffee, hot chocolate
or French press coffee or possibly for tea
1. Put a cup, a mug or a glass under the hot
water discharge spout.
2. Turn the hot water spout control to start
hot water discharge. During the hot
water discharge, you will hear the pump
sound. This is normal.
3. When enough water been poured into
your cup, mug or glass, turn the hot
water spout control to the OFF position.
4. Aim the hot water discharge jet at the
grille to capture possible hot water drops.
Preheating the cups
A heated cup helps you to keep optimum
coffee temperature. You can preheat the cup
using hot water from the hot water discharge
by placing on the cup heating surface.
Preheating the handle and the strainers
Insert the strainer in the handle. To prepare
one portion of coffee, use the 1-cup strainer,
to prepare two portions of coffee or strong
coffee in a big cup or a mug, use the 2-cup
Preheat the handle and the strainer by
placing them under the brew head and
pressing the MANUAL button. Hot water will
start to discharge from the brew head. This
will heat and remove the ground coffee and
dirt residues from the brew head.
When the handle and the strainer are heated
enough, press the MANUAL button again to
stop the hot water discharge.
Wipe the handle and the strainer carefully
Coffee dispensing and tamping
Use the supplied dose for ground coffee
Lean the handle with ground coffee against
the desktop edge and tamp the coffee in
the strainer by pressing several times to
distribute it evenly.
Tamp firmly enough (exerted pressure:
15–20kg). A constant pressure all the time is
more important than the number of presses.
Wipe excess coffee from the strainer edge to
provide correct sealing ability when inserting
it into the brew head.
For correct dispensing, the metallic edge
of the tamper should be aligned with the
strainer top AFTER final coffee tamping.
Make sure that the tamper is dry and
clean. Otherwise the ground coff ee
might get stuck onto the tamper,
making the tamping very diffi
The ground coffee amount and the tamping
force should be the same for every brewing
in order to always reach the same result.
However, depending on the type of the
coffee beans used, the grinding level may
change. If the coffee discharge is too slow,
a coarser grinding level should be used and
vice versa.
Coffee extraction
Make sure that the handle is correctly
inserted in the brew head.
Put the cup(s) under the handle.
Wait until the appliance is heated to
operating temperature. The POWER indicator
light will stop flashing and lights in red.