1. To service the seals and packings, it is necessary to
remove both the Discharge Manifold and the Inlet
Manifold. Follow disassembly procedures for REMOVING
NOTE: The V-Packing Spacer with Coil Springs and
V-Packing Cylinder (6747) or V-Packing Spacer (6760,
6761, 6767) Assemblies may stay in the Discharge
Manifold or Inlet Manifold.
2. If the V-Packing Spacer (6760, 6761, 6767) stays in either
the Discharge or Inlet Manifold, insert two screwdrivers on
opposite sides of the secondary groove and pry from the
valve chamber.
CAUTION: Exercise caution as the screwdrivers may
score o-ring sealing surface.
3. If the V-Packing Spacer with Coil Springs and V-Packing
Cylinder (6747) stays in either the Discharge or Inlet
Manifold, remove exposed O-Rings and Back-up-Rings
and insert two screwdrivers into the groove on opposite
sides and pry from valve chamber.
CAUTION: Exercise caution as the screwdrivers may
score o-ring sealing surface.
4. On the model 6747, separate V-Packing Spacer from
V-Packing Cylinder by inserting two screwdrivers on
opposite sides of the groove formed between components
and pry apart. Remove one Male Adapter, two V-Packings
and one Female Adapter from each V-Packing Cylinder.
5. On the models 6760, 6761,6767, remove one Spacer
w/Coil Spring, one Male Adapter, two V-Packings and one
Female Adapter from each seal chamber.
6. Place Inlet Manifold on the work surface crankcase side
7. Using a screwdriver, remove LPS from each seal cham-
CAUTION: Exercise caution as the screwdriver may
damage sealing surface.
8. On the model 6747, place the Inlet Manifold on blocks
with crankcase side down using a screwdriver tap on op-
posite sides of the LPS Adapter to drive out LPS Adapter
and Lo-Pressure Seal from each chamber. Remove Lo-
Pressure Seals from backside of LPS Adapter.
CAUTION: Exercise caution as the screwdrivers may
damage sealing surface.
9. On the models 6760, 6761, 6767 remove Lo-Pressure
Seal from each seal chamber.
Gently working Discharge Manifold over plungers
Gently removing Inlet Manifold over plungers
Removing V-Packing Spacer from Inlet Manifold
Removing Inlet Spacer from Inlet Manifold
Complete packing arrangement (6760-6767)
Complete packing arrangement (6747)