XJ-F Series
Lift up the front of the projector and press the release button. This causes the front foot to drop
from the bottom of the projector.
While holding down the release button, raise and lower the front of the projector. When the front
foot is the height you want, release the release button. The front foot will lock at that position.
Make fine adjustments to the horizontal tilt of the projector by rotating the rear foot. Only one of the
rear feet is adjustable to a height of ±3 mm. The adjustable rear foot has a click position, which
indicates the setting where its height is the same as that of the other rear foot.
XJ-S Series
Lift up the front of the projector and press the release button. This causes the front foot to drop
from the bottom of the projector.
While holding down the release button, raise and lower the front of the projector. When the front
foot is the height you want, release the release button. The front foot will lock at that position.
Make fine adjustments to the horizontal tilt of the projector by rotating the two rear feet.