Advanced Settings (REC MENU)
How to Use the Histogram
A histogram is a graph that represents the lightness of an image in terms of the
number of pixels. The vertical axis indicates the number of pixels, while the horizontal
axis indicates lightness. If the histogram appears too lopsided for some reason, you
can use Exposure to move it left or right in order to achieve better balance. Optimum
exposure can be achieved by EV shifting so the graph is as close to the center as
possible. For snapshots, you can even display individual histograms for R (red),
G (green), and B (blue).
When this setting is “On”, a line on the
monitor screen shows the current left/
right and front/back tilt of the camera.
The line changes to blue when the
camera is level (no left/right and front/
back tilt).
• The electronic level is not displayed during movie recording
and while shooting with some BEST SHOT scenes.
• Note that the electronic level has a margin of error of ±1
degree. It is intended for use as a rough guide only.
Movie Range
Selecting “On” for this setting
displays a semitransparent gray
frame on the monitor screen. The
area within the frame is what is
recorded as the movie.
Semi-transparent gray