10. Start / Stop upload location to server
The upload location to server function can be started or stopped by user, send SMS START*123456” or
“STOP*123456” to tracker, “START” or “STOP” are command, “123456” is password. The tracker will send
back information “Start / Stop upload location”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will
send back information “Wrong Password”. Normally the tracker will start upload location if the tracker begin to
move, if the upload is stopped by user, the new location & new history tracking can not be checked on the
platform any more.
11. Set APN & GPRS user name & password
This tracker use GPRS to upload the information to internet server, most SIM card need active GPRS
service first by SMS, the tracker can configure APN automatically after power on according different SIM card,
if the APN & GPRS user name password are not right, the tracker can not upload location to platform (Red
LED will flash twice, and the location can not update on the platform), then you need sending SMS to tracker to
change them manually, please confirm the auto configuration of APN & GPRS user name password is right,
call your tracker SIM card mobile phone company to get the APN & GPRS setting, sending SMS
“CHECK*123456” to the tracker can check the current APN & GPRS auto setting. if the APN & GPRS are not
right, please set by the following description.
Send SMS “APN*123456*apnname” to the tracker, in which, “APN” is the fixed command, “123456” is the
password and “apnname” is the APN name of a mobile phone company. Having successfully been made, there
will be a SMS “APN: apnname”.
Send SMS “USERNAME*123456*username*password” to the tracker, “USERNAME” is a command,
“123456” is the password of the tracker; “username” is the mobile company GPRS user name, “password” is
the mobile company GPRS password, if the operation is success, the tracker will send back the information
“Username:username, Password:password”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will
send back information “Wrong Password”.
12. Set Platform Server IP
Send SMS “IP*123456*,8011” or “WEB*123456*d3.igps.info,8011”to the tracker, in which,
“IP” or “WEB” is the fixed command, “123456” is the password and “,8011” is the IP of the server.
“d3.igps.info,8011” is the domain name and port of the of the server, Having successfully been set, there will be
a SMS “IP:,8011”. However, the IP address may be changed with the upgrade of our server, so
please see to the notices on our website.
Notice: The tracker IP address has been set to default :,8011 in factory, it is not necessary
to set again, unless our IP address has been changed or user need upload the location to other server, If our
server IP is changed, we will notice on the website.