(2006 -- 2010 Models)
(2010 -- Current Models)
Fig. 3 -- Two--Stage Burner Bracket
12. For 2--stage 40,000 Btu/hr and 60,000 Btu/hr only! Remove
the burners from the rack, save the screws. Remove the snap
ring from the end of each burner. Install burner insert in the
end of each burner with the flat sides of the square vertical
and horizontal. Replace the snap ring to retain burner insert
(see Fig 6 for correct orientation). Replace the burners in the
rack using the saved screws, making sure closed crossovers
of burners are at each end.
13. Remove the natural gas orifices from the manifold using a
9/16 in. wrench and install the correct propane gas orifices
in the manifold (See Table 4 to select correct orifice size
based on rated input. See Fig. 4 and 7 for orifice
Fig. 4 -- Two--Stage Igniter, Flame Sensor, Orifice/Main
Burner Relationship
14. Replace the manifold/gas valve assembly into the burner
assembly using the four screws saved from item 11.
15. Remove the plug on the inlet end of the gas valve using a
3/16 in. hex wrench.
16. Install the 1/8 in. NPT x 3/4 in. (19 mm) close pipe nipple
where the plug was removed (see Fig. 11). Use pipe thread
dope (field--supplied, must be certified for use with propane
gas) for all joints, making sure not to get any excess in the
pipe or valve. Next, install a 1/8 in. elbow, a 1/8 in. NPT x
3/4 in. (19 mm) close pipe nipple, 1/8 in. elbow, 1/8 in. x
NPT 2 in. (51 mm) nipple, and a low gas pressure switch as
shown in Fig. 11.
17. Remove regulator cover screws for both high and low stage
gas regulators (see Fig. 6). Save regulator cover screws.
18. Using a screwdriver, remove plastic adjust screws from both
high and low stage gas regulators (see Fig. 6). Save plastic
adjust screws.
19. Remove regulator springs (silver) from both high and low
stage gas regulators (see Fig. 6). Discard regulator springs.
20. Install propane gas regulator springs (white) shipped with
this kit. One into the low stage gas regulator and one into
the high stage gas regulator (see Fig. 6).
21. Install plastic adjust screw into the high stage gas regulator.
turn clockwise 13.5 turns (see Fig. 6).