The 39CC custom air-handling units are designed for indoor
(39CCN) or outdoor (39CCW) installations. Modular design
allows for heating sections such as hot water coils, steam coil,
or electric heat. Cooling options include chilled water, DX
(direct expansion), or glycol. Filter options include bag, rigid,
HEPA, mini-pleat, vee, and others.
For further information on unit and component identifica-
tion, contact your Carrier representative for the approved sub-
Receiving and Inspection
1. Verify receipt of all parts by comparing items in the ship-
ment with those listed on the bill of lading.
To facilitate inspection, a list of items shipped with the
units is included and attached to the inside access door of
the supply fan section. Among the items generally
shipped loose are the following:
Fan section: Split unit reassembly hardware (nuts, bolts,
caulking); replacement fan belts; lifting lugs.
Filter section: Filters; filter clips
2. Inspect the unit(s) for any damage that may have oc-
curred during shipping.
3. Indicate any problems such as shortage, damage, or
breakage on the carrier’s freight bill and obtain the signa-
ture of the driver or carrier’s representative as verifica-
4. Immediately report any damage detected after delivery to
the carrier and obtain a concealed damage inspection re-
port upon their inspection of the shipment.
5. If considerable damage has been incurred and the situa-
tion is urgent, contact your sales representative for assis-
tance. Please keep a written record of all communica-
Storage —
If unit is to be stored for more than 2 weeks pri-
or to installation, note that improper storage will result in seri-
ously reduced equipment reliability. It is likely that an electric
motor or fan that does not experience regular use while being
exposed to normally humid atmospheric conditions will en-
counter bearing degradation. In addition, the motor’s electrical
insulation may absorb an excessive amount of moisture leading
to the motor winding failing to ground. The following prepara-
tions should be followed:
• Minimize condensation in and around the fan and motor
by humidity controls.
• Coat all external machined surfaces with a material to
prevent corrosion.
• Measure and record the motor electrical resistance of
insulation with a Megger meter or a resistance meter.
The insulation resistance = kV 1 Megohom.
Whenever possible, store equipment indoors in a dry area
and protect the fan shaft, bearings and fan wheel from dust and
If outdoor storage is necessary, be sure to close latches on
all access doors to prevent potential water and air leakage. Unit
should be placed on a level surface. Avoid setting the unit di-
rectly on water or wet ground. Supports should be placed at
6-ft intervals. Use a tarp or similar weatherproof cover to pro-
tect cabinet exterior against dust, dirt, moisture, and corrosion.
Cover the unit from the roof down to the base on each side. In-
spect and ventilate each section every 2 weeks to prevent mold/
mildew growth, and to observe overall integrity of the unit.
To protect against excessive vibration and accidental im-
pact, never store other equipment inside or on top of the unit. If
unit must be stored for an extended period, be sure to protect
against bearing damage by manually rotating the fan wheels
and lightly greasing the fan and motor bearings every month.
Rigging —
The air-handling unit may be shipped in one of
three ways:
• assembled
• subassemblies or groups of parts
• separate sections
To ensure safe lifting, estimate the unit’s center of gravity,
taking into account that the weight may be unevenly distributed
due to the placement of internal components (for example,
more weight in the coil and fan areas). In case where the unit’s
center of gravity is a concern, please contact your Carrier rep-
Prior to lifting, install the removable lugs shipped loose in
the fan section. Tie downs must be used only to tie the unit to
the truck during shipping. Never attempt to lift the unit using
During a lift, all lugs must be used. Spreader bars are re-
quired to prevent damage to the cabinet and protruding compo-
nents. To distribute the load properly, the tension in each line
must also be adjusted. See Fig. 2.
For smaller units when no lifting lugs are provided, use a
belt-type sling to raise the unit from the base, carefully avoid-
ing door handles, electrical boxes, coil connections, and other
Never lift units or subassemblies without a base by attach-
ing bolts, clevises, pins, hooks, etc. to casing, casing hardware,
flanges, angles, or tabs. Only rig as shown here.
Fig. 1 — Lifting Lug
Fig. 2 — Lifting with Spreader Bars