V1.3 | NRG PROFINET User Manual | © 2020 | CARLO GAVAZZI LTD.
Output with Advanced full cycle firing mode @ 33% control level
Output with Advanced full cycle firing mode @ 50% control level
Output with Advanced full cycle firing mode @ 66% control level
The advantage of AFC over Burst is the reduction in thermal cycling. Another advantage of AFC is that visual flicker is
less noticeable than Distributed thus making it suitable for shortwave infrared heater applications. AFC has the
disadvantage of worse harmonics/emissions than Burst and also slightly worse than Distributed.
External firing mode
The RG..N can also be controlled externally via the A1,A2 terminal behind the blanking cover. For further information
on the technical specifications of the input terminal, please refer to the product datasheet.
Figure 14 Remove blanking cover from bottom of RG..N to control the RG..N externally. RGM25 plug is
required (not included)