Fluid Box
The controller can be connected to a fluidized box by the
Fluid Air port on the back panel.
When operating a fluid box, the fluid standing air setting
should be set to “ALWAYS ON”, so the powder remains in
suspension. The level of the powder-air mixture remains
constant with this setting.
When the powder feed is through a suction pipe from a
box, the fluid air setting is set to “ONLY ON START”.
Two layer mode
Only on start
Always ON
Fluid box
Two Layer Mode
In this mode one can adjust the settings used for the second
Area 2: Fluid Box And Cleaning
In this area, the specified setting of the fluid box and clean-
ing process can be set.
Setting The Injector Type
Selects either the older injector type (T9) or newer Elite type.
Setting The Cleaning Data
In the lower rows the settings for the cleaning process can
be adjusted.
Area 3: Standard Program
Here are the settings for the standard programs. These
are stored in the configuration menu, so that they cannot
be overridden in the program mode.
These are already set upon delivery of the MS topcase to
the customer.
Area 4: Mode and Date/Time Settings
In this area, the gun operation mode and date/time are set.
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