Elevator Bellcrank
Elevator Bellcrank
1. Locate the elevator bellcrank hardware.
3. Locate the center tiller arm and the two 2-56 x
29” threaded rod with two nylon clevis.
Install the tiller set screw into the tiller arm.
Thread the nylon clevis onto each of the rods
then snap the clevises to the center tiller arm.
Push the center tiller arm through the fuselage
towards the tail starting at the radio compart-
2. The aluminum shaft has a hole on one end,
make sure that the hole size is 3/32” by using a
drill in the hole. Install one of the control arms
on the end with the hole using a 2mm screw.
The screw should go all the way through the
#2 x 1/2” Screw
#2 x 1/2” Screw
#2 x 1/2” Screw
4-40 Set Screw
4-40 Set Screw
You may need
only one spacer
Plastic Collar
Elevator Pull-Pull Wire
Crimp the brass tube
Mark and drill a 3/32” hole
through the aluminium
shaft, then mount the con-
trol hore with a #2 x 1/2”