CARF-Models Extra 330SC (3.1m)
Fuel Tank installation
The Fuel tank base is supplied as 9 cnc milled parts, from
3mm carbon-balsa composite material (see photo right).
Assembly is self-explanatory as all parts have interlocking
tabs & slots. The 2 longer pieces are glued on the bottom as
support rails across the fuselage. Assemble with thin CA, in
the same manner as the Rudder tray, and then secure with a
good fillet of epoxy and microballoons. Please remember to
sand and clean all the mating surfaces for good glue
There are some different alternatives to fit the fuel tank at the
base depending on your fuel tank system and whether you
install a smoker or not. We show you two different ways to fit
the tank. But at first the tank base has to be fitted to the
fuselage. For that purpose the four mounts provided in the kit
must be glued in place.
Assemble the mounts as shown at the photo right and install
a M4 T-nut in each one in order to screw the mounts to the
tank base. Then adapt the mounts to their position at the
fuselage above the wing tube, prepare the inside surface
carefully with sanding and clean off and glue the mounts in
place with epoxy and microballons mixture.
Now you have to decide which tank system you want to use.
1.5l Dubro-tank
Four parts are glued on the top, to make a bay for the tank to
sit inside, secured with cable ties in the milled slots.
2x 1.5l PET-bottles (in Germany available is “Hohes C”) for
smoke and gasoline
Two carbon half-shells are glued to the tank base as shown
at the photos. The PET-bottles are fitted to the half-shells
with cable ties. Needed templates can be found at the end of
the manual.
The fuel tank base prepared for
PET-tanks together with the
four mounts
One of the assembled mounts
One of the adapted mounts
glued in place with epoxy and
microballons mixture