We take great care during production and Quality Control at the factory to ensure that all joints
are properly glued, but strongly recommend that you double-check these yourself and re-glue
any that might just have been missed. See ‘Pre-assembly’ notes on page 3.
When sanding areas on the inside of the composite sandwich parts to prepare the surface for
gluing something onto it, do NOT sand through the layer of lightweight glasscloth on the inside
foam sandwich. It is only necessary to rough up the surface, with 80/120 grit, and wipe off any
dust with acetone or de-natured alcohol (or similar) before gluing to make a perfect joint. Of
course, you should always prepare both parts to be joined before gluing for the highest quality
joints. Don’t use Acetone or paint ‘thinners’ for cleaning
external, painted, surfaces as you will damage the paint.
For cleaning small (uncured) glue spots or marks off
the painted surfaces you can use old-fashioned liquid cig-
arette-lighter fuel, (eg: ‘Ronsonol’ or equivalent). This
does not damage the paint, as Acetone and many other
solvents will, and this is what we use at the factory.
At Composite-ARF we try our best to offer you a high qual-
ity kit, with outstanding value-for-money, and as complete
as possible. However, if you feel that some additional or
different hardware should be included, please feel free to let
us know. We know that even good things can be made bet-
ter !
Email us: [email protected].
This is a list of the things you may need to get your Composite-ARF Extra 2.12m (84”) into the
air. Some of them are mandatory, some of them can be chosen by you. What we list here are
highly recommended parts, and have been thoroughly tested.
Power servos (min. 5 ). We recommend JR 8511/8611’s or Futaba S9351’s for the ailerons,
elevators & rudder.
5 metal servo output discs, 1” or 25mm diameter. We strongly recommend that you
use metal discs instead of the standard plastic discs when using hi-torque digital servos.
Throttle servo for gas/methanol motor. Any standard servo will do.
Aluminium Spinner 82 - 88 mm dia (3.25 - 3.5”), eg: Tru-Turn.
Main wheels 65 - 70mm (2.5 - 3"). Kavan Light or Dubro wheels are recommended.
Engine DA-50, or equivalent. The instructions show this engine, but you could use any
other 35 - 50cc gas engine, eg: Zenoah 38 or ZDZ 40 - or a big 4 stroke (eg: OS140/160,
Exhaust system, muffler or minipipe if using gas or methanol engine. C-ARF can supply
headers and mini-pipes for the DA-50 as an option (see our website).
High quality servo extension cables, with gold connectors. High quality
receiver and ignition switches, ‘Y’ leads, ferrite chokes etc.
Receiver battery. Either one or two 1200 -1400 mAH NiMH (or Li-Ion/Duralite) packs.
10. Fuel tank (500 - 700 ml) with gasoline stopper. Dubro #424 fits perfectly.
Propeller, to suit motor choice. Carbon 23 x 8 is suitable for the DA-50
Composite-ARF Extra 300L
Lighter fluid is excellent for clean-
ing small marks, clear wax, uncured
glue, or similar off the painted sur-
face of the plane.