port is glued to top surface of the exhaust tunnel with a short piece of 1” glassfibre tape and lam-
inating resin. The tank base is designed for fitting a Dubro 24 oz tank/700 ml (Part #424) and this
is more than big enough, even for a DA-50. Glue a scrap balsa block to the front to prevent the
tank moving forwards.
If you wish to mount your receiver on the vertical support at the back of the tank base, then glue
the milled 3mm plywood stick to the inside surface, centred on the 2 large holes, wrap the receiv-
er in thick foam and and fix it in place with 2 No.#80 rubber bands.
The fuel tank is held to the tank base with 3 cable-ties. Drill a hole in the motor firewall where
necessary for the fuel feed tube from the tank to the carburettor, and protect it where it passes
through the hole using a rubber grommet or similar.
Fit the correct stopper to the fuel tank for the fuel type used. (If using Dubro tank the gasoline
stopper has a small ‘O’ moulded in the top of it). We use the excellent ‘Tygon’ brand of fuel tub-
ing for all our models. It is totally gasoline and kerosene-proof, and does not go hard and crack
with age.
Secure the feed tube inside the tank to the clunk
with a small cable tie. If the tube is even a little
loose on the brass tubes though the stopper it
will come off at just the wrong moment and your
engine will quit. So solder some small rings onto
both ends of the brass tubing (easily made from
the soft wire of a paperclip wrapped around a
small screwdriver) and secure with a fuel-line
clamp or cable-tie. Don’t miss this small detail -
it could cost you your plane !
We use the normal 3-tube plumbing system, one
from the clunk to feed the motor, one out of the bottom of the plane (vent/overflow - leave open)
and one at the top for filling (close for flight).
Throttle servo
Included in the kit is a CNC milled plywood throttle servo mount, and you can fit this in any suit-
able position for your motor set-up. However, we advise you
to mount it directly on the back
of the firewall as engine vibrations can damage a servo quite quickly. We mounted it on the 5mm
balsa plate that is glued across the top surface of the exhaust tunnel, in front of the tank base,
which also has the motor ignition unit and ignition battery secured to it with cable ties. Two M3
bolts and T-nuts are included to secure the throttle servo mount as you wish. Included in the
hardware are two M3 clevises and M3 threaded rod to make up the linkage from the servo to the
R/C & Gear Installation
Everyone has their own favourite methods for fitting the R/C and gear, but the installation tech-
niques shown here can be used as a guide and they have worked perfectly in all of our planes
flown by C-ARF factory staff, and many of our customers. The advice below applies to whatev-
er engine type you chose to fit; gas, glow or electric.
With a plane of this size it is important to keep everything lightweight to ensure the best perform-
Composite-ARF Extra 300L