Requesting help
To send an alert for help, any time of the day or
night, press and hold both buttons at the same
time on your GO. This will start the short pre-alarm
sequence with a distinct tone and vibration.
The light-ring around the GO will flash red to let
you know an alert is being sent to the Monitoring
Centre. A voice message will play, “Help alert in
An operator will call back; the GO will ring and
automatically answer. The GO has a hands-free
speakerphone system; speak clearly and slowly
to the operator.
Once the alarm has been received, a voice
message will play and repeat: “The alert has
been received by monitoring; you will soon be
contacted by an operator.”
While you are speaking with an operator, the
GO Personal Alarm will work in the background
to obtain your current location and send it to the
monitoring centre.