Technical leaflet
Eliminarea produsului
Aparatul (sau produsul) trebuie sa fie eliminat separate, in conformitate cu legile in vigoare ce se refera la eliminarea deseurilor
Disposal of the product
The appliance (or the product) must be disposed of separately in accordance with the local waste disposal legislation in force
Produsele CAREL sunt un dispozitive unice, a caror funcionaliate este specificata in documentatiile tehnice furnizate odata cu produsul sau care pot fi descarcate,
chiar inainte de cumparare, de pe site-ul Clientul (producatorul, dezvoltatorul sau instalatorul echipamentelor finale) accepta toate raspunderile
si riscurile, ce au legatura cu configuratia produsului, pentru a ajunge la rezultatele astepate in instalatie si/sau echipament. Lipsa acestei faze a studiului, care
este ceruta/indicate in manualul de utilizare, poate cauza produsului final nefunctionalitati de care CAREL nu poate fi responsabil. Clientul final trebuie sa utilize-
ze produsul doar in conditiile descrise in documentatia atasata produsului in sine. Raspunderea CAREL in relatia cu produsele proprii este specificata in conditiile
din contractul general CAREL editat pe site-ul si/sau in intelegerile specifice cu fiecare client.
The CAREL product is a state-of-the-art product, whose operation is specified in the technical documentation supplied with the product or can be downloaded,
even prior to purchase, from the website The client (builder, developer or installer of the final equipment) assumes every responsibility and risk
relating to the phase of configuration the product in order to reach the expected results in relation to the specific final installation and/or equipment. The lack
of such phase of study, which is requested/indicated in the user manual, can cause the final product to malfunction of which CAREL can not be held responsible.
The final client must use the product only in the manner described in the documentation related to the product itself. The liability of CAREL in relation to its
own product is regulated by CAREL’s general contract conditions edited on the website and/or by specific agreements with clients.