“Ultrasound for fancoil” +0300059IE - rel. 1.5 - 15.07.2019
12.2 Production control via network
To control production via a he connection, confi gure the humidifi er using
following parameters:
igital 27,
igital 37 and Integer 60 (Modbus 188)
When the D37 is at 1, the humidifi er excludes the external command
signals (external regulator or probes) and uses the value of Integer 60
(modbus 188) as like comand signal. The humidity production can be
managed in two modes:
To manage the production level in percentual mode:
Set D 37 = 1;
Set parameter A0 = 1 (Carel 20, Modbus 148, Proportional Mode);
Set integer variable 60 Carel (188 Modbus) to the desired level
(0-1000 = 0-100.0%).
To manage the production with a humidity probe managed by the
Set D 37 = 1;
Set parameter A0 = 2 (Carel 20, Modbus 148, Humidity probe Mode);
Set integer variable 60 Carel (188 Modbus) to the desired level
(0-1000 = 0-100.0 rH%);
Set integer variable 52 Carel (180 Modbus) to the desired humidity
When the D37 is at 1, if the communication is lost for the seconds settled
by parameter C4, is generated the “Master Offl
ine” alarm (see alarms
table) and the production stops.
Production is activated/deactivated via digital parameter D27 (see
parameter table).
If D27 = 1 the humidifi er is disabled and production stops
if D27 = 0 the humidifi er is enabled and production is activated.
D27 is independent from the state of D37.
12.3 Washing cycle activation via network
A washing cycle can be performed at any time by managing digital
variable 38.
Setting the variable to 1 will immediately activate a washing cycle, even
if the unit is in standby, and even if both automatic washing and washing
due to inactivity are disabled by their corresponding parameters.
The variable will keep the value 1 throughout the duration of the washing
cycle, and will automatically be reset at the end of the cycle.