Version 08.05.2019
MIB-Entry-5inch (180514)
Warning notes, concerning the installation of ribbon cables
1) The contacting ends of ribbon cables always have to be installed in a straight and
precise 180° position to the connector. Each deviation from a perfect contact position will
curse faulty contact and even danger of short circuit
2) The ribbon cable’s contacting side always has to correspond to the contacting side of
the connector, concerning the mounting position.
3) Avoid cable contusion or cable injury caused by sharp-edged metal.
Closing the monitor’s rear-side.
Before leading the daughter PCB through
the monitor’s rear metal sheet, it’s further
necessary to save both sides of the ribbon
cables to avoid any kind of ribbon cable
breakage, caused by vibrations of the
metal parts. Use a smooth, but thin issue
tape because there will be lack of space
between the head unit’s and the
monitor’s housing.
Fix the monitor’s rear metal sheet by using the 7 screws.