Operating Environment
For the latest information, please refer to Canon Web Site.
VB Initial Setting Tool Ver. 5.0.1, VBAdmin Tools Ver. 5.1,
VB-C60 Viewer Ver. 1.1
OS and browser
Windows Vista Home Premium/Business/Enterprise/Ultimate (SP1), Internet
Explorer 7.0
Windows Server 2008 Standard (SP1)
Internet Explorer 7.0
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (SP2),
Internet Explorer 6.0(SP2)/7.0
Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (SP2),
Internet Explorer 6.0(SP2)/7.0
Windows XP Professional (SP3),
Internet Explorer 6.0(SP3)/7.0
Viewer display
With VB-C60 Viewer, use of a high-resolution display with an effective display
area of 1024 x 768 or more is recommended.
If the camera's audio feature is used, the PC's audio support feature is