Printed : 8/15/02
R e g u l a r c l e a n i n g h e l p s t o m a i n t a i n t h e
a p p e a r a n c e a n d c o n t r i b u t e s t o t h e o v e r a l l
performance of the vehicle by keeping it free of
damaging dirt, soils, and grime.
When cleaning, avoid harsh detergents and
chemical solvents. Use mild solutions of
ordinary dish soaps and clean water.
The advertising claims of “power” cleaning
products are no substitute for careful and
deliberate attention when cleaning the vehicle.
Rinse with plenty of clean water to remove any
detergent residue.
Don’t use high-pressure (e.g., coin-operated car
washes) or portable steam power washers to
clean the vehicle. The excessive water pressure
will force dirt, water, and other contaminants
into important electrical connectors and
devices, bearings, engine seals, and wheel
bearings, promoting rust and corrosion. Severe
damage can result. Use an ordinary garden
hose and only enough water pressure to do the
Be sure to thoroughly dry your vehicle after
washing it. This will prevent corrosion and
premature wear of components (e.g., switches,
airbox, wheel bearings).
Do not use compressed air to dry the vehicle.
Compressed air can force water or other
contaminants into bearings and the electrical
system leading to severe damage and
component failure.
Do not get detergent onto the brake discs or
pads. The detergent may cause the brake discs
to glaze and ruin the brake pads.
Do not wax or lubricate the brake discs. Braking
power will be reduced which may result in an
Before you start cleaning the vehicle take the
following precautions:
Make sure the vehicle is completely cool before
cleaning it.
Thoroughly dry the vehicle after washing it.
Cover the rear muffler opening, brake lever and
pedals, electrical switches, clutch lever, throttle
with plastic bags securd with strong rubber
Make sure all filler and check caps are
tightened securely.
After washing:
Remove all plastics bags.
Lubricate the front brake lever and rear brake
pedal with clean engine oil.
Test the brakes before operation. Wet brake
discs and pads reduce braking efficiency.
Start the engine and allow to run for 5 minutes.
Remove the generator cover.
Remove any debris with a clean rag. Use contact
(1) Slick or slippery seat
(2) Wet brake system
(1) Some types of cleaners can leave the seat
extremely slippery. A rider can slide unex-
pectedly and lose the ability to control the
(2) Braking performance is reduced when the
brake system is wet.
(1) Use ordinary mild solutions of soap and
rinse clean. Wipe the cleaned seat down with
the clean rag. Consult a Authorized Cannon-
dale Dealer for products available to clean
your vehicle.
(2) Before riding normally, ride and very slow
speed and repeatedly apply the brakes; fric-
tion generated heat will dry the brake system
and normal braking force should return. If it
doesn’t don’t ride the vehicle; contact an
authorized Cannondale motorsports dealer.