Filter Change Schedule
Recommended Filter Change Schedule
The following periodic maintenance is recommended so your system will provide years of trouble-free service:
Filter Cartridges
Change Schedule
Pre-filter (Sediment)
Every 12 months
Pre-Carbon (Activated Carbon)
Every 12 months
Post Carbon (Activated Carbon) Every 12 months
R/O membrane
Every 24-36 months
To remove the filters follow the reverse procedure of the Installing the Membrane & Filter section on page 5.
To install the filters follow the instructions from the Installing the Membrane & Filter section on page 5.
Your system contains a R/O (reverse osmosis) membrane which should also be replaced periodically for proper
operation. The R/O membrane may require changing more frequently depending on the source water condi-
Flush System and Check Operation
1. Check all connections to be sure they are secure.
2. Turn on feed water valve and check for leaks.
3. Open faucet and bleed any air out. When air is removed, close faucet, wait 5 minutes and check for leaks.
Flush System and Check Operation
1. Open faucet handle and allow tank to completely drain. Do not use this water. It is normal to see black
carbon fines in the water. They need to be flushed out of the new carbon filter. (When tank is empty, fau-
cet will steadily drip. This is the rate the R/O system processes water).
2. Close faucet. Allow system (including storage tank) to pressurize for 15 minutes and re-inspect system for
3. Allow system to process water for approximately 1 hour, at which point tank will be practically full.
4. Open faucet again and allow tank to empty for a second time. It is normal to see some black carbon fines
in the water. Do not use this water.
5. Wait another four hours to allow tank to re-fill.
NOTE: If no objectionable tastes or black carbon fines are noticed after second tank draining, RO processed
water is ready for use. Otherwise, drain tank and re-fill for a third time
Change Membrane Procedure
1. Turn off water supply by turning handle on self-
piercing inlet saddle valve clockwise until valve is
fully closed.
2. Turn storage tank valve clockwise to close.
3. Open faucet to relieve pressure.
4. Remove the blue quick connect clip and pull the
inlet tubing to the membrane cap out.
5. Loosen and remove RO membrane cap using
wrench provided.
6. Using scissors or a knife, cut the end of the plastic
wrapper from the membrane. Leave it in the wrap-
per so you do not touch the membrane directly
with your fingers.
7. Insert the membrane all the way into the housing.
8. Check that the o-ring is in place and install the cap
onto the RO membrane housing. Tighten cap
firmly by hand. Using the wrench provided tighten
an addition 1/4 to 1/2 turn.
9. Turn water supply back on.
10.Turn storage tank valve to open position.
11.Close faucet.
12.Empty storage tank. Produce an additional full
tank of water and discard it. Normal operation can
NOTE: It is normal for the post carbon filter to add a
small amount of TDS back into the product water
so to get an accurate TDS measurement take the
sample directly after the membrane housing ahead
of the post filter.