Camus ProtoNode Startup
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Camus ProtoNode Startup
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All temperature registers are expressed in
C regardless of what temperature units are set to on the boiler, ex. 32.0
C = 320. A temperature that is
NOT applicable has a value of 0x8FFF.
All percentage values are given in 0.1% granularity, ie. 0-1000 is the range from 0.0 – 100.0%
Most significant bit in value determines which units type the parameter has: 0 = RPM, 1 = %. If modulation output parameter doesn’t match with the
setting of this bit, then the parameter setting is invalid
For binary fraction % format commanded rate is a binary fraction between .00000000 (0% = no heat at all) and .11111111 (99.98% = maximum
fire). For a 0.5% step format commanded rate is a value between 0 (minimum fire) and 200 (maximum fire) that is a multiple of 0.5% (200 x 0.5% =
Commanded rate in least significant byte of this register can be expressed in two formats: binary fraction % or multiple of 035% steps. Bit 8 of this
register indicates which format the commanded rate is expressed in; when bit 8 is set, the commanded rate is in binary fraction % format when bit 8
is cleared, the commanded rate is in 0.5% steps.