8. Troubleshooting
Error 9
(LED 1 + LED 4):
Smartsearch antenna board, sensor board or GPS card is not connected or damaged.
Check that the control cable is connected. Also check the internal pins on the control
cable side and the control unit side for damage.
Error 10
(LED 2 + LED 4):
Failure of the azimuth motor encoder. Check the control cable on the control unit side
and on the antenna side.
Error 11
(LED 1 + LED 2 + LED 4):
Azimuth overcurrent failure. Check that the antenna does not encounter an obstacle
that will prevent the antenna from moving.
Error 12
(LED 3 + LED 4):
Elevation overcurrent failure failure. Check if the antenna encounters an obstacle that
restricts the movement of the antenna.
Error 20
The antenna can‘t find the satellite. Check whether a newer firmware is available for
the antenna (transponder update). A current firmware can be found on the homepage
„www.camping-first.de“. Check whether a building, a tree or other obstructions reduce
or block reception.