5. Verify that the settings are correct by selecting the data logger in the Network Map,
clicking the Clock tab, and clicking Check Clocks. If the settings are correct, the current
clock of the server and data logger will update.
FIGURE 8-3. CS I/O serial server LoggerNet setup Connect
You are now ready to connect to the data logger using the
Connect screen. Serial sensors
The NL241 configured as an RS-232 serial server as described previously can be used to
communicate with a serial sensor. However, you must have a method, other then
, to
communicate with the sensor.
is not capable of communicating with a serial sensor
through the NL241.
8.2.4 TCP Serial Client
When the RS-232 port is configured as TCP Serial Client, the NL241 will initiate and maintain a
TCP socket connection to the IP address and port number specified by the Serial Client Address
and Serial Client Port settings. Data received on the RS-232 port will be forwarded to this TCP
connection, and data received on the TCP connection will be forwarded to the RS-232 port. This
NL241 Wireless Network Link Interface