NL121 Ethernet Module
Compliance Information:
Application of Council Directive(s):
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive (EMC)
Product Standard: EN 61326-1:2013 – Electrical
Equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use – EMC requirements – for use in
industrial locations.
2011/65/EU The Restriction of Hazardous
Substances Directive (RoHS2)
Cable Requirements:
Use a straight-through Ethernet cable when the
cable is run from the hub to the NL121. Use a
shielded Ethernet cable when the cable length is
greater than 2.7 m.
Note: The maximum recommended segment
length for 10BaseT and 100BaseTx networks
using CAT5 cable is 100 metres. Segment length
is the length of cable between the NL device and
the Ethernet repeater, hub, switch, or router it is
connected to.
Ethernet Speed:
10/100 Mbps (10Base-T /
100Base-Tx), full and
half duplex, all auto-negotiated. Typical access
speeds vary and range from 20 KBytes/sec to
200 KBytes/sec depending on multiple factors
(*** see note).
10.2 x 6.4 x 2.8 cm (4.0 x 2.5 x 1.1 in)
66.6 g (2.35 oz)
*** The NL121 will automatically negotiate the speed and duplex mode used for the
Ethernet link. However, the speed at which data can be transferred to and from a
datalogger over the NL121 depends on multiple factors including:
the datalogger processor speed, that is, CR1000 vs CR3000
how busy the datalogger is performing measurement, processing, control and
other communication tasks; measurement tasks take priority over communication
the IP protocol used for the data transfer and how/if the link is encrypted
where the data is being transferred from or to, for example, USR vs CRD
limitation of the IP connection due to congestion, the number of “hops”, and the
quality of the physical media between the client and host
Below are some example data transfer rates observed over an ideal connection. A laptop
computer was connected directly to the NL121 interface, transferring a 1.7 MB file to and
from the datalogger USR drive.
(Sending from computer to datalogger; retrieving from datalogger to computer)
PakBus: 30 KBytes/sec; 30 KBytes/sec
FTP/HTTP: 55 Bytes/sec; 90 KBytes/sec