TC-003001-30 / Rev 01
Figure 8 – Air Over Hydraulic Foot Pump
Figure 9 – Adapter Fitting
Part No. 2330398-01
Part No. K296434
The 370D6 valves can be rebuilt if necessary. The disassembly and reassembly of the valve requires proper lifting
equipment and normal maintenance tools.
Spare parts are determined by the individual customer specification; however the following list is suggested as a
minimum for typical maintenance operations:
Stem and ball radial bearings
Stem thrust washers and ball thrust washer (if applicable)
All O-rings and applicable back-up rings
Seat springs
Seat subassemblies
Drain fitting
Grease injection fittings
CAUTION: Prior to disassembly, the valve must first be isolated from system pressure and flow. Operate the
valve at least two times and drain the valve to make sure there is no residual pressure left in the body.
After observing the above precautions, remove the valve from the pipe line system. Set the valve in a clean place
free of dust and/or metallic chips.
Operate the Valve to the closed position.
CAUTION: Prior to disassembly, verify that there is no pressure in the body cavity. Operate the valve at least two
times to bleed any residual pressure.
Stand the valve on the body flange end. Care should be taken to avoid damaging the sealing surface of the
raised face or ring groove (if applicable).
If wrench operated – remove the wrench screw on top of the stem, the washer, and the wrench.
If actuated valve – check the actuator operation manual and remove the actuator.
If gear operated – loosen the gear mounting hardware while lifting the gear until it comes off of the stem.